Monday, March 3, 2008

Dating do's and don'ts

1. Do plan ahead... 2. Do stay close to home... 3. Do leave # for sitter... And in our case DON'T believe you'll actually get a real date out of it all!

Well if you read my last blog you remember that we were going on a "redneck date"... well plans change- on the way there I remind my wonderful hubby that we need to be home by at least 10:30 (we left at 4:45) because this is the time he told me to tell the sitter. When I told him this, he said "you know it's an hour to the race and by the time we get there and watch a little, we won't get to stay for the "main" race of the night".....( UGH!!!!) is how I am feeling at this point! So he says let's just go eat and see a movie (which we haven't seen a movie at the actual theater together in probably 12 years!). So ok, I'm kind of liking the "new" date plans as getting covered in dirt from the race track would not have been good for my new black suede shoes I chose to wear :) So we head to a seafood and steak restaurant that we have been told is really on the high dollar side but lucky me, I won a gift card there for $25.00 so this should cover at least half of it... I hope! So we get there, order our extremely expensive meal and just enjoy each other's company. Oh I forgot to mention that 5 minutes before the sitter arrived my middle child had thrown up! Yes I called the sitter and said that we would stay home because it's just not meant to be that we have a date (see previous blogs), but she said "no, it's not a problem, I'm sure she will be fine">>> little did she know. So anyway back to our food. I slipped off to the restroom at the end of the meal and when I returned my wonderful hubby (didn't I call him that already??- oh well it's pretty much true) had ordered desert- now if you have never tried "FRIED CHEESE CAKE with vanilla ice cream and caramel drizzled over the top"...OH MY-find it right now I promise you it's a must have!! I said, what's it going to cost us $8.00 per slice and he said no, only $ I was so relieved (NOT), but then he said well I ordered one for each of us....URGH!! But anyway I have to say that was the extremely BEST part of the evening!! So, we get to the movie theater, I tell Bill that I really need to call home before we sit down to this movie just to check on my little one and make sure she is no longer ill. He is reluctant to call, but says ok. Babysitter says "she's not hungry for dinner, but says she feels fine"... in my mind I know "I'm not hungry" means my stomach is just not right... so babysitter says - all ok, enjoy the movie. We buy the tickets, we stand in line for drink, get to front of line, order and "RING, RING"... it's my cell phone.. "Miss Tammy... Samantha just threw up and she wants her mommy".... so much for the movie, but at least I got my fried cheese cake and the $9.00 each we saved on the movie was much better spent paying the sitter for cleaning up the mess if you know what I mean!
Long story short (not really), It's just not meant to be that hubby and I have a "real date night"... don't get me wrong, we will try again....someday.... but it will be a while! Send me your date mishaps and comments, I'd love to hear them!


Jonatha said...

Okay, just to make you feel better I'll share a couple of things that have happened to us while on "dates". My oldest daughter has been burned twice, by fireworks and a candle. I mean burned BADLY, not just a little blister, but her entire hand had to be bandaged, etc. I didn't find out until I picked her up - poor child :) Our kids tend to start a horrible sickness (usually bronchitis) the day before our scheduled outings. We've canceled so many I can't even remember specifics! So, just know you aren't alone, and these precious little ones love every moment with us! I think that cheesecake is going to on my menu this week.

Anonymous said...

I promise you a date night with the best babysitter around! I'll even sleep over :) Mom