Friday, February 22, 2008

No Brainer- Or NOT???

Ok, I thought I knew right away what my answer was and I'm still pretty sure I know what it is- but let me toss this out there into cyber space and see what your opinions are. Here in our area today they are very opinionated among the people at school and I'd like to hear what you have to say.
Last night we received a phone call from the Superintendant of schools for our county (One of the very best in the state I might add!) that there had been "a situation" at my daughter's middle school and they needed to make us aware. The message stated that 2 females had found the message "IF YOU THINK VIRGINIA TECH WAS BAD JUST WAIT TILL FEBRUARY 28TH", written on the girls bathroom wall. Immediately procedures were being implimented to secure the school, police were called in to make searches, K9 sniffing dogs were brought in and paraded around, cell phones were confiscated to check students text messages to see if anyone had "talked" about the message they had left, etc, etc. The phone message went on to say that school will remain open on the 28th, and they are confident they are doing everything in their power to find the person(s) who wrote this disgusting threat and get to the bottom of it.
My first instinct and my husbands and daughter's was that she will be absent next Thurs, the 28th, no matter what. I can only hope and pray that this was someone's cruel sick joke and that no real threat is pending. I ask that you pray for Harris County Middle school and the student that wrote this message. I truly hope that this person comes forward and admits their error and begs forgiveness. I believe in prayer and know that the more we have the better!
So, what would you do- send them to school knowing that God will protect them or keep them home just to be even more on the safe side? I'm sure the parents of Virginia Tech students didn't expect their day to end like that and they had no warnings......


Anonymous said...

Your first instinct is right on....keep her away from the school!!!! Yes, the Lord will protect her but he also gave us common sense so go with what you know you need to do. You will be one of many that will be keeping their precious loved one home! Mom

3SonsAreMyLove said...

More and more I understand why people homeschool their children. I wish that I was gifted in that area so that I could have started out home schooling my boys. I wish Kitty lived closer, I'd pay her a salary to home school my boys!

I would have a hard time sending my boys back to that school at all, much less on the 28th!

I will keep your community in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Trusting the Lord is a wonderful thing and WE DO ..however we also have a responsibility to not push the envelope and try to avoid certain situations that could be harmful to our children and perhaps that would indicate a day home from school on the 28th. God Bless all the children. CLR